“Sing Lullaby – Sail Away” – new RGM release

I am very excited to share that the album that we have been working on for the past 9 months or so is nearly ready for release.

Around 20 years ago I was involved a little in a Christian lullabies project that used a couple of our songs, and it planted the seed of an idea that we should do a full recording of lullabies ourselves one day. The seed took a while to grow!

At the start of 2020, Sue and I had planned a holiday in the US with some good friends from our time in New York City, focused around a wedding in Texas. I knew I might have some time to do some writing, so I had decided to get going with the lullabies at last.

Coming back to the UK after that trip, where a number of songs had started to take shape, we went into lockdown. Many people, myself included, were struggling to sleep at times through what was happening in the world, so it seemed a good idea to really focus on getting the songs completed and recorded.

Fast forward 9 months from that Texan road trip, the album is about to be released. We resisted the temptation to call it Lockdown Lullabies and have gone instead with Sing Lullaby – Sail Away, with Sail Away being the title track, featuring a well-known adventurous mouse…

I’m really thrilled that the recording includes a number of songs from other writers, continuing the FWR/RGM tradition of collaboration and shared vision, and I will be sharing more details about the project, the artists who were involved, and the stories behind some of the songs in future posts, both here and on the new website we will be launching on 1 December.

Bookmark www.singlullaby.com and stay tuned for updates.